We are a team of biologists, computer scientists, mathematicians with a common mission of exploring cell state.
We are a team of biologists, computer scientists, mathematicians with a common mission of exploring cell state.
We are a team of biologists, computer scientists, mathematicians with a common mission of exploring cell state.
We are a team of biologists, computer scientists, mathematicians with a common mission of exploring cell state.
We are a team of biologists, computer scientists, mathematicians with a common mission of exploring cell state.
Scientist at The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto
Faculty Affiliate at the Vector Institute
Canada Research Chair in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher
Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
Masters Student
Masters Student
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Software Developer
Research Volunteer (Past: Bioinformatics Analyst)
Research Volunteer
Administrative Assistant
Alumni: Undergraduate Student, Current: Undergraduate Student at the University of Waterloo
Alumni: Undergraduate Student, Current: Master's Student at Harvard Medical School
We are hiring for all levels! From graduate student to postdoctoral fellow, we are looking for enthusiastic trainees who want to develop computational methods to understand treatment-resistance in cancer, cancer evolution, cancer heterogeneity, multi-omic analyses, and more! We are also looking for software developers and bioinformaticians that are excited about creating new types of data visualizations and interfaces to make our tools widely accessible. To apply to the Schwartz Lab, please send your C.V., cover letter, and contact information for three references to gregory.schwartz@uhn.ca for consideration. We look forward to seeing your application!